Friday, February 25, 2011

Fence And Wall Ideas From Alamos, Sonora

I want to show a couple ideas for garden fences
 that I have seen around town.

The one above is at our trailer park here in Alamos, Sonora
and I think it is a great idea to help protect newly planted trees.

And it can even be made from tree prunings.

This is at Steve and MaryJane's 
whose casita I showed you in the post:

A detail from the previous photo.

I love the weave they use here,
and the combination of the vertical and horizontal.

A more haphazard weave 
from a house I profiled way back last year:

And a very sturdy and attractive fence to protect the garden.

To finish up a couple of wall ideas.

Above is a brick cap on an adobe wall.

And I include this still unfinished wall 
because of the post I did last winter: 

In that post I showed the technique 
they used here for a formed stone wall.

Even though this stone work is not intended to be highlighted,
this is a great way to build an attractive stone wall.

The big difference is to carefully place the stones
 in the form for a more attractive look,
then pour the concrete.