Friday, February 5, 2010

Tile and Mosaic in Mexico

     We were recently in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico and when we were out walking one day we passed by this entry way to house whose other side faced the beach. We both loved the tile mosaic, took a couple of photos and went on. Later we were walking along the beach when we noticed yet more decorative tile on the beach side. An accomplished ceramic artist was definitely involved either as the owner or as a project. We got more photos. These first few shots are all from that house. The entry is a mosaic but many of the tiles such as the fish were made for this project. Other shots show tile murals.
(Please Note: To see an updated version of this post go to
Tile Mural And Mosaic In San Carlos, Sonora

and Tile And Tile Mural In Mexico.)

    Left: This and the following photos were taken from the beach side and access was difficult, hence the angles and poor quality.

     Left: these next four were on the other side of the street and may well be by the same artist.


This fish is actually about 8' long and is on a wall a couple 
of blocks from the above tiles.

  The above photos were taken in Alamos, Sonora, Mx. The blue tiles were striking and the mosaic was done with great care. There are no large grout joints.

      This beautiful tiled dome is in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mx. 

In the photo above, the ornate tile on the left is very common in Mexico and
they are some kind of cement tile. These were found in an art gallery in
the historic district of Mazatlan and the pond on the right was added in a 
much later remodel. I think it is an interesting blend of the older, more 
traditional tile with the later update.

This next group of mosaics
with a decidedly social theme
 was found at a campground
for the Volcano de Paricutin
 near  Uruapan,  Michoacan.

Well, I know they are not tiles or really even a mosaic but they do offer intriguing design ideas. These were found in Guanajuato in the state of Guanajuato.

Sorry if you are getting tired of this
 photo but it just shows so much.
Adobe, tile and the pebble "grout"
 in Patzcuaro, Michoacan.