The two previous posts have looked at Syzygy Tileworks showroom
and we started seeing their production techniques
so let's continue with the production.
The rest of the posts are:
Above we see how all those circles are made.
The circle in a circle is a new twist on tile for me that I like a lot.
And the pattern board.
Caps, rounds, cornices, rounds, base, etc. are extruded
by the hand operated machine you see above.
The shapes can be changed for the different tiles.
Once they are laid out a level is used to straighten the piece
and it can be cut to length.
A corner that has dried and is ready for the first firing.
Another technique used for tiles with surface design
and raised relief starts with a plaster of paris mold.
Modeling clay is used to create the original
and the plaster of paris is poured over that.
The plaster of paris is then used as the mold to create
the rubberized, flexible material you see above.
That is then set into a box and the clay is pressed in to create the tile.
Once the the mold is worn the plaster of paris original
can be used to make a fresh image.
Next we will take a look at firing and glazing.